May I introduce myself...
Katja Hofmann
I grew up in Austria where I have been living and working until I was 31.
Studying Business Administration specialising in Business Consultancy opened a career path in the corporate world. I worked for 10 years in corporate, supporting the company's internal HR managers in different countries from a strategic point of view all around personnel development. This international field offered a lot of travelling, being exposed to different cultures and expanding my personal horizon.
Before I moved to Australia at the beginning of 2013, I started to work on my own personal development. The completion of the NLP Practitioner level laid the foundation of a journey into a different direction.
The first thing I did after my arrival in Down Under was to complete a course in Family & Systemic Constellation to become a facilitator.
This was followed by a three-year-long training to become an Azul Conscious Movement teacher, a form of conscious dance. My interest in embodiment as a way to access the body's wisdom and bring insight and healing, was sparked by the experiences and learnings going through the training and retreats.
Today, I hold Azul classes and workshops as well as Family & Systemic Constellation workshops.
Bringing my passion for embodiment and my experience in the corporate world together created
Embodied Change. Based on my own personal experience and embodiment journey, my passion is to bring integrity, congruency and authenticity through embodiment into one's own work area.
I offer one-to-one coaching sessions working together on your individual goal.

The long story...
I was a seeker for most of my life. I was driven, but did not know what I was looking for.
In Austria, my country of birth, I lived a life with nothing to complain about - I thought. I studied Business Administration and had an interesting job in Corporate Human Resources for about 10 years. I travelled regularly, had enough money, was married with a house, a car, a motor bike,... yet still there was a longing deep inside of me I could not name.
Looking back now, this longing was often taking over and radically changing my life.
My marriage fell apart and it was at this time that I was first introduced to Family Constellations. I was fascinated and could not get my head around what was really happening there. It was perfect for me and my overactive mind!
After that time I got one of my longings met - backpacking for six months around the world. I felt free and felt that there must be more to life than I was experiencing up to that point at home - even though I had a pretty good life - on the surface.
Out of money after travels I returned to work in corporate human resources with a vow to myself to not do it for more than two years.
I quit after one year and nine months and not knowing what to do next . It felt soooo good and just right!
Well, it sounds very cheesy, but the second part of the book 'Eat, Pray, Love' got me inspired to "learn" to meditate.
I went to Sri Lanka and meditated for six weeks. It was a great experience and it opened me up for whatever else is out there I did not know.
That was when I met my now-husband from Australia - in a meditation centre with noble silence. ;-)
Moving to Australia made a dream come true. Ever since I could remember I dreamt of the ocean, beautiful beaches, palm trees and a lot of sunshine. Now I had it!
The first thing I was looking for was a training to become a Family & Systemic Constellation facilitator. I found the perfect teacher, Margarete Könning (originally from Germany), who became a dear friend and like second family. I felt such closeness to the training group with the depth of sharing during our time together.
Family Constellations opened and continues to open my eyes toward seeing patterns and entanglements in my own family system as well as seeing how I live patterns originated generations earlier.
To this day, with every Constellation I see and experience, I am struck by the power Family & Systemic Constellation work harnesses.
I then went to my first 5Rhythms class. A new world of dance opened up for me. I loved to dance for my whole life but there were always a partner and steps involved (which I liked too) - besides going to the disco and moving like everyone else.
And then - one night at a 5Rhythms class - I saw a flyer for OneDanceTribe on Maui, Hawaii. Sounds amazing! I definitely thought that, but did not even allow the idea of me really going. Surprisingly - well, not really, because he has always been supportive - my husband said "just go!". Eyes wide open I stared at him in disbelief.
Me? Hawaii? Dancing - for a whole week?
Well, I went and did it! It was a life-changing experience. I experienced so much love there with people gathered from all over the world.
This fired my decision to look for a teacher training in one of the conscious dance modalities.
Amara Pagano and her practice of Azul touched me most deeply - I went deep, I cried, and I flew high and laughed - she is an amazing teacher! Decision made!
Since then, Azul has taught - and keeps teaching - me so much about myself and life because it bypasses my well-trained and over-active mind. No words are needed as it is the time and space for the body speak.
I began to teach, and - besides Family Constellations - it brought another aspect of embodiment practice into the picture. As I hold space for others I am constantly called to strengthen my own embodiment.
I love both, Azul and Family Constellations. I am very passionate about them and that's why I love to share them with you.
I am looking forward to connecting with you.
Blessings on your journey,